The End Of An Era

Looks like Kiks Tyo have themselves a new femme fatale to focus all of their attention on named Yuko Ishida. Sadly the Hoshino reign is over but it will always hold a special place in my heart cause she was the first. The new tees look dope enough but none I would get cause you all know my rule against wearing shirts with a particular shoe on them. You’re trying too hard when you match the shoes on the shirt and you look absolutely stupid when you don’t match them. Nevertheless, we’re gonna miss you Ms. Hoshino.

One things for sure though, Kiks Tyo sure knows how pick em. Let’s all swoon together at the new girl shall we?

Sorry I’m a little late, I have to catch up.

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3 Responses to “The End Of An Era”

  1. newmi Says:

    some more info about her:

  2. eccoboy Says:

    I would, but I like hoshino better.

  3. Jero Says:

    newmi: Thanks for the info. I stumbled across that page but didn’t think it was her.

    eccoboy: I would and I also like Hoshino better.

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